Diese Kategorie beinhaltet Schurken, die nicht verstorben sind, aber am Ende der Handlung eines Werkes (zumindest körperlich) nicht mehr aktiv sind, weil sie eingesperrt oder eingekerkert sind, sei es durch reguläre Mittel oder mystische Mittel. Obwohl sie keine physische Bedrohung darstellen können, können inhaftierte Schurken ihre Verbrechen möglicherweise aus dem Gefängnis heraus fortsetzen und planen oft Fluchtwege.
Beliebte Seiten
Tombstone (Marvel's Spider-Man) -
Theodore Bagwell -
Vector -
Melascula -
Thunderbolt Ross (The Avengers) -
Panzerknacker -
Grayroad -
Negan (The Walking Dead)
Alle Einträge (606)
- Aaron Helzinger (Arrowverse)
- Abomination (The Avengers)
- Abra Kadabra (Arrowverse)
- Abra Kadabra (Young Justice)
- Abraham Stern
- Adolar
- Adrian Carsini
- Agathe Tyche
- Agent Lynch
- Agrippus Virus
- Akira Otoishi
- Alameda Slim
- Alan Tanner
- Alan Wilson
- Albtraumkönig (DREAMZzz)
- Alfred Bester
- Alice Ribbons
- Alicent Hohenturm
- All For One
- Aloïs Racine
- Alter Ego-Angestellte
- Ana Lopez
- Anarky (Arkhamverse)
- Angelica Teach
- Anjuro Katagiri
- Anthony Bellows
- Anti-Selbstjustiz-Spezialeinheit
- Anton Johnston
- Anubis (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
- Apotheker
- Arno Hello
- Arnolf Karstark
- Arturo Braga
- Arün Filitt
- Atlas (God of War)
- Atomic Skull (Young Justice)
- Axel Walker (Arrowverse)
- Baby Doll
- Babyface (The Brave and the Bold)
- Balthazar Bratt
- Bane (Justice League: Doom)
- Bane (Lego)
- Bane (The Brave and the Bold)
- Baron von Raffelberg
- Baron Zemo (The Avengers)
- Barry Pein
- Basile Giroux
- Bellafrancesca Lobo
- Benjamin Poindexter
- Black Adam (Young Justice)
- Black Beetle (Young Justice)
- Black Manta (The Brave and the Bold)
- Black Manta (Young Justice)
- Black Mask (Arrowverse)
- Blackbriar Thorn (Young Justice)
- Blockbuster (The Brave and the Bold)
- Bloodwork (DC Comics)
- Bowser (Der Super Mario Bros. Film)
- Brain (The Brave and the Bold)
- Brain (Young Justice)
- Brainiac (Lego)
- Brian Barrett
- Brick (Young Justice)
- Brie Larvan
- Bronze Tiger (Arrowverse)
- Bruce Carson
- Bruno Mannheim (Young Justice)
- Brutus (Asterix)
- Bürgermeister Kobayashi
- Cale Erendreich
- Caleb Cronin
- Calendar Man (DC Comics)
- Candy Lady
- Capital B
- Captain Boomerang (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Captain Boomerang (Young Justice)
- Captain Cold (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Captain Cold (Young Justice)
- Catwoman (1966)
- Cecil Creepler
- Chantal DuBois
- Charlotte Hart
- Cheetah (Justice League: Doom)
- Chemistro (The Avengers)
- Chuck Dodgson
- Clayface (Gotham Knights)
- Clive Yorkin (Arrowverse)
- Clive Yorkin (DC Comics)
- Clock King (Arrowverse)
- Clock King (The Brave and the Bold)
- Cluemaster (Arrowverse)
- Coldsnap (Arrowverse)
- Collette Stenger
- Constantine (Muppets)
- Copperhead (Arkhamverse)
- Corban Yaxley
- Cordelia Bostwick
- Count Vertigo (Young Justice)
- Crazy Quilt (The Brave and the Bold)
- Cregan Karstark
- Crimson Dynamo (The Avengers)
- Cruella De Vil (Realfilm)
- Cupid (Arrowverse)
- Curt Wad
- Cyrus Vanch
- Damodar
- Danny Brickwell (Arrowverse)
- Danny Vacarro
- Davos (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Dawn Bellwether
- Deadshot (Arkhamverse)
- Deadshot (DC Extended Universe)
- Dellamorta
- Deputy Chief Cayman
- Der Griff (Young Justice)
- Der Große Santini
- Der Wixxer (Neues vom Wixxer)
- Derek Frost
- Despero (The Brave and the Bold)
- Despero (Young Justice)
- Devonte Jones
- Diane Sherman
- Die Libyer
- Dirk Armstrong
- DJ (Star Wars)
- Djel Sanes
- Doctor Octopus (Marvel's Spider-Man)
- Doktormabus
- Dolores Umbridge
- Dominic Bösewicht
- Donnie Barksdale
- Doomsday (Krypton)
- Dr. Barry Mayfield
- Dr. Light (Arrowverse)
- Dr. Phillium Benedict
- Dracula (The Monster Squad)
- Drexel
- Driton Abazi
- Dschafar
- Dschinn (The Blacklist)
- Duela Dent
- Dušan Nemec
- Feistus Raclettus
- Felix Faust (Young Justice)
- Felix Manning
- Femgericht
- Feuerlord Ozai
- Fielding Chase
- Firefly (Arkhamverse)
- Firefly (Lego)
- Forbes (24)
- Francesca Terwilliger
- Francis King
- Frank Butterman
- Frank Gordon (The Blacklist)
- Frank Pope
- Frau Mahlzahn
- Fribourg-Gruppierung
- Fun Haus (The Brave and the Bold)
- Gabriella Sandoval
- Gaear Grimsrud
- Galactus (The Avengers)
- Garraka
- Garth von Izar
- General Zod (Krypton)
- Geomancer (Arrowverse)
- Gino Terwilliger
- Glennon (Arrowverse)
- Godspeed (Arrowverse)
- Godwin Page
- Goldface (Arrowverse)
- Goldständer
- Gorilla Grodd (The Brave and the Bold)
- Gouverneur Breck
- Gozer
- Grant Walker
- Grant Wilson (Arrowverse)
- Graviton (The Avengers)