Diese Kategorie beinhaltet Bösewichte aus Fernsehserien.
Beliebte Seiten
Frontmann -
Zehn Gebote (The Seven Deadly Sins) -
Oh Il-nam -
Red John -
V.I.P.s (Squid Game) -
Estarossa -
Isao Shīrabi -
Alle Einträge (1792)
- A.I.M. (The Avengers)
- A.S.A. (Arrowverse)
- Aaron Helzinger (Arrowverse)
- Abomination (The Avengers)
- Abra Kadabra (Arrowverse)
- Abra Kadabra (Young Justice)
- Abraham Stern
- Abschaum und Meerschaum
- Abu Fayed
- Acidicus
- Acronix
- Adam (Buffy)
- Adam Hunt
- Adar
- Adolf Hitler (Star Trek)
- Adrian Carsini
- Aegon II. Targaryen
- Aerys II. Targaryen
- Agathe Tyche
- Agent Picard
- Agnes Mary Winstead
- Aguni
- Ahmed Amar
- Air-Walker (The Avengers)
- Akira Otoishi
- Al Katzone
- Al Radwan
- Al-Owal
- Alan Fitch
- Alan Milliken
- Alan Sylvasta
- Alan Tanner
- Alan Wilson
- Albtraumarmee
- Albtraumkönig (DREAMZzz)
- Alessi
- Alexander Kirk
- Alexis Drazen
- Alfie Solomons
- Alfred Bester
- Ali Bin Suleiman
- Alice (Arrowverse)
- Alicent Hohenturm
- Alistair Pitt
- All For One
- Ally Mayfair-Richards
- Alma Gardner
- Alter Ego-Angestellte
- Amanda Waller (Arrowverse)
- Amazo (Young Justice)
- Amon (Die Legende von Korra)
- Amory Lorch
- Amunet Black (Arrowverse)
- Ana Lopez
- Anatoly Markov
- Anck-Su-Namun
- Andre Drazen
- Andrew Diggle
- Angela Channing
- Anjuro Katagiri
- Anna McMahon
- Annie Leonhardt
- Annihilus (The Avengers)
- Anslo Garrick
- Ansor Dudayev
- Anthony Bellows
- Anthony Hollis
- Anthony Ivo (Arrowverse)
- Anti-Cosmo
- Anti-Selbstjustiz-Spezialeinheit
- Anti-Wanda
- Anton Beresch
- Anton Johnston
- Anubis (Gargoyles)
- Anubis (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
- Anubis (Stargate Goa'uld)
- Ao
- Apotheker
- Arabia Fats
- Arachni (Die Walkinder)
- Architekt
- Arcturus
- Ariel Augustus
- Arktos
- Arnim Zola (The Avengers)
- Arthur Arden
- Arthur Rabens
- Arturo Rey III.
- Asajj Ventress
- Asajj Ventress/Legends
- Ashka
- Ashley Fallon
- Aspheera
- Astra (Arrowverse)
- Asura (Soul Eater)
- Atia von den Juliern
- Atom-Smasher (Arrowverse)
- Atomic Skull (Young Justice)
- August Cartwright
- Austin Sommers
- Axel Walker (Arrowverse)
- Axtmann
- Azula
- B.P. Richfield
- B1-Kampfdroiden
- Baby Doll
- Babyface (The Brave and the Bold)
- Bad Rap
- Baldwin Pennypacker
- Bane (The Brave and the Bold)
- Bane (Young Justice)
- Barbas (Charmed)
- Baron Bedlam (Young Justice)
- Baron Krieger
- Baron Reiter
- Baron Wladimir Harkonnen
- Baron Zemo (The Avengers)
- Barry the Chopper (FMA: Brotherhood)
- Baryonyx
- Bastien Moreau
- Baylan Skoll
- Beauregard Tannen
- Bebe Babbitt
- Bebes
- Beelzebub Irrwitzer
- Beetlejuice
- Beißer (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer)
- Belle Noir
- Benjamin Charnquist
- Benjamin Juma
- Benjamin Okara
- Benjamin Poindexter
- Berdy Chernov
- Bernice Florence Hufnagel
- Bernie & Igor
- Berthold Fubar
- Beverly Hope
- Bianca Forest
- Biff Tannen
- Biff Tannen Jr.
- Big Barda (Young Justice)
- Big Morty
- Bill Cipher
- Billie Wesker
- Billy Wintergreen
- Bizarro (Arrowverse)
- Black Adam (Young Justice)
- Black Beetle (Young Justice)
- Black Manta (The Brave and the Bold)
- Black Manta (Young Justice)
- Black Mask (Arrowverse)
- Black Noir (Serie)
- Black Siren (Arrowverse)
- Blackbriar Thorn (Young Justice)
- Blair Foster
- Blizzard (The Avengers)
- Blockbuster (The Brave and the Bold)
- Blockbuster (Young Justice)
- Blubberbernd
- Blueford
- Blut & Käse
- Bluto
- Bob Peluso
- Bobby Jonica
- Borg
- Borg-Königin
- Boro
- Boukman Baptiste
- Bowser
- Brain (The Brave and the Bold)
- Brain (Young Justice)
- Brainiac (Animated Series)
- Brainiac (Krypton)
- Brainwave (Stargirl)
- Brian Barrett
- Brian Gedge
- Brick (Young Justice)
- Brie Larvan
- Brock (American Horror Story)
- Bronze Tiger (Arrowverse)
- Bruce Carson
- Bruno Mannheim (Young Justice)
- Brüder Kazanjian
- Bud Ellison
- Buggy der Clown
- Buggy der Clown (Live-Action)